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  • Writer's pictureTarun Prakash

how to take good care for goats

Goats are smart, curious pets that are fun to have around. However, they can also be hard work. If not cared for properly, they can get aggressive and may try to escape to greener pastures -- literally. Luckily, you can make your goat a happy family member by creating a safe home for them, feeding them properly, grooming them, and keeping them healthy.


Creating a Safe Home

1 Set aside a pasture. Your pasture should be large enough to accommodate your goat, a shelter, and entertainment features, such as large rocks for the goat to climb on. Your goat will forage for food in its pasture, so giving it more space will allow for more grazing. Goats like to eat plants, including weeds, grass, and bushes, so your goat pasture should have a

lot of vegetation.


Install a strong fence around the pasture. Your fence should not only keep the goat in, it should also keep predators out. Goats are smart and can climb, so they commonly escape from their pen. The fence should be high and difficult to climb, measuring at least 6 feet high. Some goat owners choose to install an electric fence, which provides an extra deterrent to escape. 3

Build a shelter for the goat. At the minimum, your goat will need a 3-sided shelter that faces the south, which helps protect it from wind. The goat will rely on the shelter to protect it from the elements, especially rain and heat. The shelter should be well ventilated but free from drafts. Place straw bedding inside the shelter so that the goat is comfortable.[5] 4

Provide entertainment for your goat. Goats are very intelligent, and a bored goat will go looking for trouble. Entertainment could include large rocks, a ramp to climb on, or recycled barrels. The goat will enjoy climbing on the items, as well as butting its head against them.[6] Method 2 Feeding Your Goat

1 Provide fresh water. Your goat needs access to fresh water at all times. Use a heavy watering container, as goats can turn them over. You should check the water at least twice a day, more during extreme temperatures.[7] During winter, you may need to provide water throughout the day if the temperature drops below freezing. You can also purchase a freeze-proof watering device from a livestock store.[8]


Provide your goat with plenty vegetation to graze. This could include grass, weeds, brush, vining plants, and other greenery. Goats can even eat prickly vegetation like briars! If your pasture doesn’t have a lot of variety, you may consider spreading seeds for common weeds like dandelion. Plant shrubs along the fenceline, as goats prefer to graze there. You can also bring the goat cuttings from yummy plants.[9]


Keep your goat away from poisonous plants. Goats may have a reputation for being able to eat anything, but there are plants that can harm a goat. Although goats are able to sniff out dangerous plants, they’re also curious and may munch on them anyway. Make sure that these plants don’t grow in or near your pasture, and avoid supplying cuttings of them to your goat. 4

Supplement grazing with hay and other grains. Goats don’t require grains in their diet, but they will enjoy munching on them. Grains are also a great food choice during winter or if your pasture is too small to accommodate grazing alone.[11] Feed the goat grains like hay, oats, bran, and barley. 5

Hang your feeders off of the ground. Although they love to graze, goats don’t like to eat their feed from off the ground. Keeping the food off the ground reduces the chance of mold, as well as prevents insects from eating or infesting it. When you are supplying them with food, such as hay, it’s best to mount it on the wall of the shelter or on a fence post.


Get a vet recommended salt lick supplement. Goats need a variety of vitamins and minerals in their diet, but the quality of their diet can depend on soil quality and what you feed them. In many cases, they will need a supplement. Many owners choose a salt mix or salt lick that contains the needed mineral(s). This way the goat will happily eat the supplement, and they’ll drink more water, as well!\

Method 3 grooming your goat


Brush out its coat daily. First, use a hard brush to break up and remove any caked on mud and dirt. Then, run a comb through the goat’s coat to remove any remaining particles. Finally, run a soft brush over the goat to create a shiny coat. As you do this, run your hands along the goat’s body to make sure that you don’t feel any lumps or bumps that could indicate a possible illness or injury.[16]


Inspect your goat’s hooves daily. Keep your goat’s hooves as dry as possible. During the daily brushing, check the goat’s hooves for damage or items that may get stuck in them, such as rocks or dirt. Remove anything that you see and make sure that the hoof looks good. If you notice any foul odors or signs of damage, call your vet immediately.


Cut your goat's hooves. Your goat can't run, jump, and climb happily without healthy hooves. Unfortunately, too much cutting and too little cutting can both make your goat lame. Have a professional show you how to cut your goat’s hooves, as well as the right size for the hooves. Once your goat’s hooves are properly cut, you’ll need to trim them every 6-8 weeks to maintain that length.[19]


Trim your goat's coat if necessary. Use a pair of electric clippers to trim the goat’s coat. During cooler weather, this may include trimming around the udders, belly, tail, and thighs to keep it neat. During summer, you may choose to trim the goat’s coat shorter so that it’s more comfortable.[20]

Method 4 Keeping Your Goat Healthy


Remove manure and soiled bedding daily. Scoop out poop and wet, stinky bedding every day. This includes in the pasture and in the goat’s shelter. Replace the bedding with fresh hay.


Exercise your goat. Goats are active animals, so make sure your goat gets lots of exercise. Encourage your goat to climb by placing things to climb on in their pasture, such as large rocks, wooden structures, and bushes. You can also run and play with your goat.


Ask your vet about the "BoSe" shot. The BoSe shot contains Selenium and Vitamin E, which your goat needs to stay healthy. They’re especially important for muscle, bone, and reproductive health. Since many goats are deficient in these important minerals, the shot is usually administered to goats once yearly.


Vaccinate your goat annually. Goats should be given the CDT vaccine, which protects against Clostridium perfringens type C and D, as well as tetanus. The vaccine’s effect wanes over time, so you must administer a booster yearly.


Deworm your goat only after consulting with a vet. Goats can get internal parasites, such as worms, so deworming is helpful. Since there are few dewormers formulated for goats, you’ll likely need to use one made for sheep, cattle, or horses. You’ll need to adjust the dosage based on the size of your goat, which is why you should talk to your vet first. 6

Watch for bloating. Goats can bloat for several reasons, such as overeating, eating an imbalance of foods, or eating something poisonous. In any case, it can be dangerous. If you notice that your goat’s belly is bigger, rounder, and harder than it was the day before, call your vet to get it examined.


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